Muiizhico Food Empire

Grounded egusi.

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Egusi soup is a kind of soup thickened with the ground seeds and popular in West Africa, with considerable local variation.[4] Besides the seeds, water, and oil, egusi soup typically contains leaf vegetables, palm oil, other vegetables, seasonings, and meat. Leaf vegetables typically used for egusi soup include bitterleaf, pumpkin leaf, celosia and spinach. Typical other vegetables include tomatoes and okra. Typical seasonings include chili peppers, onions, and locust beans. Also commonly used are beef, goat, fish, shrimp, or crayfish.

In Nigeria, egusi is common among the people of the southeastern Igbo people, Efik, Ibibio and Annang people of south-south Nigeria, and the southwestern part of Nigeria by the Yoruba people of southern Nigeria